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Personal data processing

Notification of confidential treatment of the personal data of job applicants



In connection with your application for employment in "NEXT LOGISTICS" Ltd. we provide the following information:

As a legal entity that concludes contracts with individuals

after selecting from among the submitted applications, "NEXT LOGISTICS" Ltd., UIC 201476011, with headquarters and registered address in Plovdiv 4003, "Rogoshko Shose" Str. 36 ("we", "us" that we handle in connection with your participation in our selection and contracting procedures. We ensure the lawful, honest and transparent processing of your personal data in accordance with the principles and rules for the protection of personal data. This Notice explains how we collect, use, and transmit personal data to candidates for work with us.

We collect information about you that you personally provide us with,

кандидатствайки за работа, както следва: Ваши биографични данни – три имена, дата на раждане, предишна трудова дейност; автобиографии, копия на документи, доказващи определена правоспособност или квалификация, трудови характеристики, референции; информация за контакт – адрес, телефон, имейл.

The basis on which we handle your personal data is an agreement,

expressed by you, by sending your application in response to the published job advert.

As a rule, we do not provide your data to third parties.

The personal data you provide will be used for the purposes of

selection by NEKST LOGISTICS EOOD and conclusion of a labor contract with the approved candidate.

The personal data you provide will be processed until

we complete the process of selecting and selecting suitable candidates for the position. For the non-selected candidates, the personal data provided shall be destroyed no later than six months after the end of the selection procedure.

When we have requested the submission of original or notarized copies of documents certifying the physical and mental fitness of the candidate, the required qualification degree and probationary service, we return the documents to the candidates not approved for appointment within 6 months after the final closing of the procedure .

In connection with your personal data you have the following rights:

  • Right to access your personal information - you may request more detailed information about how we use your data and a copy of the information we hold about you;
  • The right to request correction of incomplete or inaccurate personal data relating to you;
  • Right to request a limitation on the processing of your personal data - in cases where there is a complaint that is being considered;
  • The right to ask for the deletion of your personal data (the "right to be forgotten");
  • Правото на преносимост на данните – можете да поискате Вашите лични данни да бъдат директно „пренесени“ към друг оператор на данни, но единствено ако обработването се основава на Вашето съгласие или на сключването на договор с вас и обработването се извършва с автоматично средство;
  • You have the right to complain to the competent supervisory body or to the court in case your rights have been violated by the unlawful processing of your personal data (the Personal Data Protection Supervisory Authority in Bulgaria is the Personal Data Protection Commission, address: Tsvetan Blvd. Lazarov "№ 2, Sofia, code 1592).


Information about the Privacy Controller:


  • Name: "Next Logistics" EOOD, a company registered in 2011 year
  • UIC: 201476011
  • Headquarters and management address: Plovdiv 4003, Rogoshko Shose Street 36
  • Address for correspondence: Plovdiv 4003, Rogoshko Shose Street 36
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Contact Phone: +359 32 940 990





Personal Data Processing - Nextlogistic